1 October 2024

Dear devotees & friends,

After a relatively busy month-long Ullambana Festival, it is a good time for all to continue to reflect on our thoughts. We like to share this:


Medicine Buddha (aka The Buddha of Healing) Blessing Ceremony 南無藥師琉璃光如來聖 诞法會

Medicine Buddha(藥師佛) made a vow to relieve all who call upon him from the troubles of the world. Apart from curing illness and warding calamites, the practice of the Medicine Buddha will help to overcome inner sickness and sufferings caused by greed, hatred and delusion. The Medicine Buddha is the Buddha of the Pure Land of the Eastern Paradise while the Amitabha Buddha is the Buddha of the Pure Land of the Western Paradise

Through his devotion, we learn to practise compassion and loving kindness to the less fortunate and extend happiness to all sentient beings.


藥師佛於過去世行菩薩道時,曾發十二大願,願為眾生解除疾苦,使具足諸根,趨入 解脫。故依此願而成佛,位於東方藥師淨琉璃世界,其佛國土莊嚴如極樂。


若至心皈依稱誦佛名,及讀誦藥師經,或持藥師咒,今生皆得病苦消除、身心安樂、 家屬資具,悉皆豐足。

This year, we will commemorate this event with prayers on 26 th and 27 th October2024. If you wish to dedicate merits to your loved ones and or participate in the above event, kindly call Alice or Danny on telephone 6253 3532, what's app 8950 1883 or visit our Monastery.

Go Green SG Visits to Monastery 新加坡綠色計劃 參觀龍華藏院

In February 2021, Singapore launched the Singapore Green Plan 2030 which seeks to galvanise a whole-of-nation movement and advance Singapore' national agenda on sustainable development. As Buddhists, we should take steps to support the Green Plan; it is all about practicing and learning an eco-friendly lifestyle such as reducing the burning of joss papers and other paper offerings and use only smokeless joss sticks. For this reason, with immediate effect,

  1. we will only allow smokeless incense to be used in our 3 Halls, Cundi Hall at Level 1, Amitabha Hall at Level B1 and Ksitigarbha Hall at Level B2. These halls have recently been renovated and are fully air-conditioned. To facilitate you during your visits to the Monastery we have packaged a pack of 15 incense sticks @ 50 cents each which can be purchased from our Level 1 counter.

  2. we strongly urge all not to bring any joss papers or other paper offering items for offerings to your ancestors as there is strictly no burning within our premises. If, however you wish to do so, please bring them home as well as clear your food offerings after your prayers.

Going green?leads to a healthier lifestyle and a cleaner environment. A clean environment is essential for human health and the well-being of ecosystems. Keeping our air, soil, and water pollutant-free can help reduce illness, protect wildlife habitats, and provide a healthy and vibrant atmosphere for our future generations.

While there is no requirement to wear masks, we still encourage you to continue with this practice ?especially if you are elderly or having respiratory infection. This helps to protect you and others.

Thank you all for your co-operation. May the Merits of the Triple Gems be Always with you!




Yours sincerely


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